FIXELON® can contribute recyclability.
- Environment-Friendly product (No VOC, Solvent-Free,
Easy decomposability) - Bonding dissimilar material, difficult material to bond
- Thermoplastic Adhesive Film
Not including the substance which negatively influence on environment
and human body, such as Xylene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and so on.
Also, being re-heat, it's possible to disassemble easily composite material
bonded by FIXELON®, then separete the material and recycle them.
Enabling strong bonding with the materials which is difficult to bond.
Typical object to bond
Realize the productivity improvement by manhour reduction, taking advantage of the film characteristics.
FTC is located at the Aicello headquarters. It is the place where we present solution proposal with the thermoplastic adhesive film "FIXELON®". You can demonstrate the bonding process and mechnical test with the following equipments.
Also, you can have better image for FIXELON® by seeing the various application examples. FTC is at your desposable to solve your problem or challenges.
※Various analyses are also possible at the adjacent ATC.
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